New to woodturning? As with all tools and machinery they can hurt you if not used carefully. In addition woodturning produces lots of fine dust which can harm your lungs and flying woodchips can damage your eyes. You must invest in proper protective equipment before setting out on your woodturning journey. We are not talking expensive for simple effective protection such as a face shield or goggles and a dust mask. Read the articles where we cover the options.
Choosing a Lathe
There are many lathes on the market so in this article we will explain some of the key features that may help you decide which one is right for you within the budget you have available.
All about Tools
As well as a lathe you will need a set of tools to get you started. We will describe the basic 5 tools that will do pretty much all of the work a beginner takes on. Eventually you may need some more specialised tools as you become more proficient and look at different projects.
You will quickly learn that woodturning tools need frequent sharpening and so here are some options to look after your tools.