Contact Us

We would love to hear from you so just fill in the form and one of our committee members will get back to you as soon as possible.

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Our Venue

Billericay Arts Association,
The Fold, 72 Laindon Road, Billericay,
Essex, CM12 9LD

Meeting Information

Second Thursday of the month (except August) from 7.30pm until 10pm


Frequently Asked Questions


See our ‘Join Us‘ page for full details.

Do I need my own tools?

Our meetings are based around demonstrations, ideas and help with projects. We don’t have member turning nights as this is very difficult to achieve with a usual attendance of around 35 people. We do however give lots of advice to anyone wanting to set up their workshop for woodturning with advice on starter tools and other equipment.

How often do you meet?

We meet on the second Thursday of every month except August. We also have two all day seminars with a professional turner per year, usually on a Sunday, with a buffet lunch available with a vegetarian option.

Can I get discounts on tools and equipment?

We don’t have commercial arrangements with suppliers for discounts  however we often have second-hand equipment for sale either on club night or listed on this web site. Some suppliers may offer a discount for AWGB members. Some visiting demonstrators may bring items for sale and often at a small discount.

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